Error message

User warning: The following module is missing from the file system: drupalcenter. For information about how to fix this, see the documentation page. in _drupal_trigger_error_with_delayed_logging() (line 1184 of /var/www/clients/client10/web67/web/includes/


Type of activity

  •     Strategic tasks
        (A complex project design, statistical analysis, official correspondence, ...)
  •     Project Management
    (Project administration, student folders, direct mail)
  •     Auxiliary services
    (Data entry, study participants-care, ...)


Specific project / course work during the study

  •     Personal, telephone support from research participants
  •     Submissions (Ethics Commission)
  •     Create a complete Studiendokumention
        (patient information, informed consent, medical information, SOPs, badge, service protocol,
        UAW-message protocols, etc.)
  •     Preparation of the study, participants folders
  •     Study-specific web-based questionnaires


Data processing during / after the project

  •     Preanalytical data entry
  •     Descriptive statistics and analytical
  •     Graphical representation f Presentations
  •     Technical Assistant


Recycling / Science Communication

  •     Writing OTS press releases
  •     Creation of form letters (to doctors, journalists, etc.)
  •     Implementation of direct mail
  •     Design, creation and printing of flyers / posters
  •     Articles and advertisements in newspapers doctors
  •     Writing a scientific project completion reports
  •     Presentation Coaching


Service Packages

  •     Study design, planning, government grade study protocol preparation
  •     Creation of a scientific publication in a peer reviewed international journal
  •     Organization of scientific events, symposia
  •     Literature, scientific advice to circumscribed question (1-2 months)
  •     A less complex study design, no lab, 1 - 2 questions (6-12 months)
  •     Planning, implementation, simple (descriptive) analysis of a questionnaire study
    (Duration: 4 - 12 months)
  •     Planning, implementation, evaluation studies, endpoints: Questionnaire and Laboratory,
    > 3 questions
  •     Complex study of prospective, randomized comparison groups, 2-5 study groups: self-report,
        laboratory (blood, stool, urine), complex statistical analysis, Final Report (12 to 24 months)