
Here do you find useful links[1] for

biomedical and scientific research:



  1. Patents - Intellectual Property Right Protection
  2. Literature Datenbank Libraries
  3. EBM - Evidence Based Medicine
  4. Austrian Legal Regulations
  5. Other Link Collections:
  6. Lab-Shopping
  7. Register Clinical Trials
  8. Funding Information for Clinical trial
  9. Randomizierung - Internet Randomization Services
  10. Statistivs - Online Analysis
  11. Sample Size Calculation

Patentschutz - Intellectual Property ProtectionImage removed.

Disclaimer: After a Standard searxh  - to receive specific Informations  - you should still consult a patent atorney. 


Literatur Datenbanken - Libraries


Evidence Based MediImage removed.cine


Österreichische Gesetze

Bundesamt für Sicherheit im Gesundheitswesen - AGES PharmMed
Verordnung über die Meldepflicht: Nicht interventionelle Studien BGBl. Nr 180/2010 , seit Juni 2010

Thematische Link Sammlungen:


Lab-ShoppingImage removed.


Klinische Studien Registrierung


Funding Information for Clinical trial


Internet Randomization ServicesImage removed.


Statistik Online Analysis

  • Simple Interactive Statistical Analysis  SISA
  • Alternatively, we from SCIgenia can do it for you for a small fee, please send us an email indicating what you want to do


  • We do not know about an online service for this. But we can do the job with a commercial programme if you send an order by E-Mail, Describe what you want to do, and prelininary data or estimates you have so far.


AWMF - Arbeitsgemeinschaft wissenschaftlich medizinischer Fachgesellschaften 


Ethik-Kommission in Österreich

Medizin Universität Graz
Stadt Wien
 Liste aller Österreicheichischen Ethik-Kommissionen

Ethik Kommissionen in DeutschlandImage removed.

LÄK Hessen - Ethik kommission
Mecklenburg Vorpommern
Ethikkommission Rostock
Ethikkommission Greifswald
LÄK Nordrhein Westfalen

Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects, Seoul 2008



[1] Disclaimer:
Despite careful content control we accept no liability for the content of external links. For the content of linked pages their operators.